Sternhall Times

Newsletter | January 2023 Edition




Happy New Year!


GAS– Group A Streptococcus

Symptoms can vary from mild to severe. A throat swab may be required if there is diagnostic uncertainty or concerns regarding antibiotic resistance. The GP can prescribe the necessary antibiotics if they feel it is appropriate. Symptoms may include but are not limited to; having a sore throat, fever, swollen glands and white coating on the tongue.

GP’s have been advised to refer to secondary care for more minor symptoms than they usually would to avoid your child becoming more unwell, so there is no need for alarm if you are sent to A&E. Often, this is because hospitals have the equipment to treat the infection more efficiently than at GP surgery’s. If antibiotics are given, please do take the full course. 


Looking for a job in the city of London?

Connecting Communities is a free service that can support you into full-time employment.

For more information, see contact details below:


Self care – helping you help yourself

Many everyday health problems can be managed at home. With self care, you can take control and start to feel better sooner.

The NHS recommend that everyone keeps a well stocked cabinet containing items such as; paracetamol, allergy tablets, bandages, Indigestion remedies and plasters and dressings. You can also get advice from your local pharmacy.


Healthy days – Dementia

As mentioned in December’s newsletter, we will be running our healthy days sessions at the surgery. These sessions will be co-ordinated by Denise and Chevonne. We would like this month’s topic to be dementia. This will be held on the 3rd Thursday of the month (19th January 2023 at 1pm).

We have asked the Dementia Carers Count team to come and have a chat with us about the support that is available.

We invite you to attend and if you would like more information about the team, please visit the Dementia Carers Count website here.


Well done Doyin!

For winning the Patient Advocate of the year award 2022 by the Hurley group, voted for by our patients.


It’s still flu season

We very much encourage our patients to have the flu vaccine. It is the most effective way to stay protected against getting the flu. If you would like to have the vaccine this year, please get in touch with the surgery.

You may also be eligible for the pneumococcal vaccination, this help protect against pneumococcal infections. If you would like to check if you can have this done, please give the surgery a call.



This month is national blood donor month. By giving blood you help save a life. For more information about giving blood and to find out if you are a suitable donor, please visit NHS Blood Donation here


Thought of the month

2022 has been a tough year for a lot of us with some low and high points through out the year. We should reflect on the year that we have had and look ahead and stay positive for the year of 2023!

Published: Jan 4, 2023